Fragapalooza 2022 – Hybrid Venture Showcase!

2022 is and will continue to be a year of transition, a step back to what was pre-pandemic, but probably never the same again. People's work/life status may be forever changed by the pandemic, even if Gamers were more prepared for the online-focused life more than most. This year we hope the world returns to some semblance of what was, and with some new, positive and exciting ways of work/life that became because of the pandemic. A stepping stone of a year moving forward – back to in-person cautiously but welcomed as safely as the world can. Some will embrace the return to pre-pandemic quickly, openly, while others may be more cautious and move in more miniature stages. Everyone at their own pace and within their own comfort levels.

The Event in 2022

Fragapalooza 2022 is taking a similar stepping stone approach to what was in-person and what has become of our event/community during the past two years! A transitional year comes with a transitional Fragapalooza! We will be utilizing our 2022 event to showcase what a hybrid online/in-person event could look like moving forward. We will be looking to you, our community, in helping us shape this event. Whether you wish to join us online-only or venture out to those safe spaces you feel most comfortable with, Fragapalooza 2022 will be accommodating as much as we can!

Online Event

We acknowledge that some of you may wish to continue with us online and remote, and we want to embrace that! Our online presence of Fragapalooza will be a similar format as it has been throughout the pandemic and will be the scheduled event you have gotten used to, but with added in hybrid elements from in-person LAN(s). Engagement, participation and/or spectating will be as much a part of our online experience as it is in person. 

As always you can join us online on our Twitch channel and follow today to be notified when we are live!

In-Person - Return of the LAN Party(ies)

The LAN Party's long-awaited return is now possible with the state of things as of today, and Fragapalooza wants to celebrate that with all of you. Fragapalooza will be hosting our online event Production from our own closed-circuit LAN Party where all the magic will happen to pull the event together. This will allow us to explore that hybrid event in a small stepping stone setup to better prepare and understand the various intricacies of such a model.

We urge those that want to run their own in-person event to reach out to friends, family, clans and put together a LAN Party with those you feel safest with as well. And optionally, if willing, join our online feeds with one from your location, interconnecting to create a WAN-LAN Party of our own unique Fragapalooza Community! Details to come for those interested, and we hope we can foster some LAN Party Pods to link our gaming experiences together.

The future (2023+)

While we cannot bring back the full Fragapalooza in-person experience in 2022, we are looking forward to its complete glory in 2023! We hope 2022 helps us prepare for a hybrid event with a venue as large as we are used to and look forward to any new challenges or opportunities that style of event will bring. Know that our event is fully expected back in large and in-person format for 2023 according to all appropriate guidelines and safety measures at the time of the event.

Those of you who have paid registrations held in confidence for our annual 2020, rest assured your seats/spots are guaranteed at our next full regular in-person event! We appreciate your patience, understanding, and continued support!

Register Today

As the main focus of Fragapalooza 2022 will still be online for the majority of our event program, the registration will again be free to join. Registration is open now at Join us for our online event August 4th-7th 2022.


Join us on Discord, follow us on Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, and stay tuned to our website for all the latest information on this year’s FREE event.


More Fragapalooza @

  • RoDaZ
  • Reflex09
  • JohnyRico
  • Woodrobot
  • PuppupZ

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